Outsourcing Assistance

Helping government agencies find and match the right partner(s) for the unique challenges that face government operations in today’s complex environment.

Sometimes government agencies know what they need, but simply don’t have the industry knowledge, expertise, or time to determine what external organizations exist that can provide products or services needed. Whether you work for a large state agency, or a small city or county entity, finding the right partners to provide needed services is sometimes a serious challenge. Sometimes it leads to troubled decisions that cause more problems than they solve.

GPS has extensive experience in multiple arenas, including state tax authorities, city government, county government, and courts at all levels. We can aid government agencies in identifying appropriate partners for an outsourced need and help bring them to the table for discussions and explorations.

If the need progresses to an RFP process, we can help then as well.

If you just need someone to help you find the right partners for a process or a product, contact GPS today.